Toonies for HIV/AIDS

Published January 1, 2004

Dr. Stephen Hart, a New Brunswick Anglican, has asked his church to be actively involved in the HIV/AIDS relief and education campaign of the Primates World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) by contributing a toonie ($2 coin) or more in the collection plate each week or each month.

“With all the disposable money most of us seem to have here in North America, I would like to see Anglicans rise to that challenge,” said Dr. Hart of Fredericton.

Bishop Claude Miller has endorsed the idea and presented it to Andrew Ignatieff, executive director of the PWRDF in Toronto. PWRDF is focusing much of its attention on the AIDS pandemic in Africa.

“It would be great to be able to present a cheque representing all those toonies to Stephen Lewis at General Synod,” said Dr. Hart. Mr. Lewis, the United Nations special envoy on AIDS, will talk about the AIDS in Africa situation at the meeting of General Synod next spring.


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